24. Apr. 2014: Off the Wall
22. Apr. 2010: Thai Style
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16. Feb. 2009: Iconoclash
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11. Aug. 2008: Bloopers

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MoOD 2010 Preview

18. Aug. 2010

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Meet only Original Designs this September in Brussels. This year’s theme is (Re)naissance, the revival of textile as a cultural expression. The Renaissance was characterized by a humanistic restoration of established influence articulated in an artistic and intellectual period and by the developments of modern science. Directions for fabric, wallcoverings, and upholstery through 2012 are part of this rebirth. The appeal of the materials extends beyond pure aesthetic design to include enhanced properties due to technological innovations, as seen in the outdoor market. The recent years have shifted their focus to production and efficiency, and now the movement returns to the craft and the art of the process. In 17th century Italy architects created the buildings and were very involved with the entire project: creating the structure, choosing the materials, and selecting the furnishings for the interior. This holistic approach is returning. Design has become 360 degrees.

In this episode get a sneak peak into some of the inspirations and innovations to be found at MoOD. Subscribers to www.trendease.com can see a detailed MoOD 2010 trend preview here.

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Meet only Original Designs

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Comment by michelle cortizo 19. Aug. 2010

Loving your online telecast. Excellent job!

Comment by Jennifer M. 18. Aug. 2010

Your design vision episodes are great!
WOW I am very impressed they are super professional. I love it all. Edited very good too!