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Outside of the Box

08. Dec. 2008

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Outside of the Box Rating: 4.4/5 (121 votes cast)

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Episode one of Trendease DesignVision is full of inspiration outside of the box!  See how different industries inspire the world of design.  Our host Jennifer Castoldi takes us on a journey through space to a land where cars influence furniture, pens go further than to write about the latest collections, buttons decorate more than textiles, army tents come into fashion, and finally we learn how designs are heating up more than the home!

Episode Sponsor:

Faire Sa Deco

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Comment by Gerardo G Juan y seva 18. Dec. 2008
Congratulations Pumpkin! You do it very well.....by the way...very interesting
Comment by Matteo Margaroli 14. Dec. 2008
Brilliant Jennifer... I really enjoyed the show.......well done! you should be really proud....

congratulations and I hope to see TRENDESE TV on air in the UK soon....
Comment by Fabrice 10. Dec. 2008
Thanks for your comments... Soon, new episodes...
Comment by Dominique 10. Dec. 2008
He he I specially appreciated the special chair that take off the heat from my body...because I'm very HOT these days :-))
Comment by How Sim 10. Dec. 2008
Great video. i am looking forward for more episodes. :)
Comment by Liza Arico " Costumisée " 09. Dec. 2008
Felicitations Jennifer!
J'espere a tres bientot
Comment by valdivia 09. Dec. 2008
Very Good!
Comment by Osisu 09. Dec. 2008
Thanks for showing us so many inspirational designs and including our benches and seats made from fender scraps and pen fillers! We have found many more ways to use these unwanted stuff. You will also see new exploration with materials next year. Please keep showing us the design you see from around the world. It is helpful for many of us who cannot travel often. Thanks!
Comment by Diego Estigarribia 09. Dec. 2008
Muchas Felicidades y Exitos en este nuevo proyecto.

Muy interesante.
Comment by DV 09. Dec. 2008
Congrats on your first episode! Looking forward to seeing more!
Comment by florence deniau 09. Dec. 2008
dear jennifer,
very cool show and you look great on tv!!! good luck and waiting for the hotel issue!
Comment by lorie arthur 08. Dec. 2008
very interesting!! thank you!!
Comment by agnes m. roxas 08. Dec. 2008
Congratulations on your new project. I am one of those who attended your seminar in the Philippines who had been a fan since then. However, times are hard and we really can't afford a subscription so the tv episode is indeed a blessing. Keep up the good work and more power !
Comment by Vina 08. Dec. 2008
I have always been interested in stuff like these. Inspiration can really come from everywhere.
Comment by flor 08. Dec. 2008
Congratulations very inspiring! Just have a little comment, maybe it would make it more exciting if Jennifer would really touch the items, like sitting on the sofa(blocks) just to show wether the foams are hard or soft to the touch or try turning on the reclining water heater chair and sit on it, just to show how it function, and maybe thru her facial expression we can imagine how it really feels using those items
Comment by ash 07. Dec. 2008
Congratulations guys, you finally did it! Looks fantastic! I think I voted, but this is my favourite episode.

Congratulations and good luck!
Comment by Sandra Kroll, CID 06. Dec. 2008
Enjoyed this very first show tremendously--thanks! One suggestion: Jennifer's cheongsam print was distracting to the presentation--perhaps wear solid colors or a non-discernable pattern next time.
Comment by Jennifer Castoldi 05. Dec. 2008
I would like to dedicate this episode to Fabrice, Sanja, Clemens, and Cyril who worked above and beyond to make this project a reality! Thank you to the entire Trendease Team and the Faire Sa Deco team--without you, none of this would be possible. Enjoy the show :-)